Maintaining the agreement could also be serious obstacles for the United States when we begin to implement the restrictions on the abundant energy reserves of the United States, which we have very strongly initiated. It would have been unthinkable if an international agreement could have prevented the United States from conducting its own internal economic affairs, but that is the new reality we face if we do not leave the agreement or negotiate a much better deal. The Chairman: Thank you very much. (Applause) Thank you very much. First of all, I would like to talk about the terrorist attack in Manila. We are monitoring the situation closely and I will continue to provide updates if anything happens during that time. But it`s really very sad what`s going on with terror all over the world. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. Before I talk about the Paris Agreement, I would like to start by updating our enormous economic progress – absolutely enormous – since the day of the elections on 8 November. The economy is starting to come back, and very, very quickly. We have added $3.3 trillion in market value and more than $1 million in private sector jobs to our economy. To contribute to the goals of the agreement, countries presented comprehensive national climate change plans (national fixed contributions, NDC). These are not yet sufficient to meet the agreed temperature targets, but the agreement points to the way forward for further measures.

Adaptation issues were at the forefront of the paris agreement. Collective long-term adaptation objectives are included in the agreement and countries must be accountable for their adaptation measures, making adaptation a parallel element of the mitigation agreement. [46] Adaptation objectives focus on improving adaptive capacity, resilience and vulnerability limitation. [47] Compliance with the terms of the Paris Agreement and the energy constraints it imposed on the United States could cost America up to 2.7 million jobs by 2025, according to the National Economic Research Associates. That includes 440,000 fewer jobs in manufacturing – not what we need – believe me, that`s not what we need, including auto employment and the continued decimating of vital American industries, on which countless communities depend. They count for so many things, and we would give them so little. On October 5, 2016, when the agreement reached enough signatures to cross the threshold, U.S. President Barack Obama said, “Even if we achieve all the goals…

we will only get to part of where we need to go. He also said that “this agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change.” It will help other nations reduce their emissions over time and set bolder goals as technology progresses, all under a strong transparency system that will allow each nation to assess the progress of all other nations. [27] [28] The Paris Agreement [3] is an agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which deals with the reduction, adaptation and financing of greenhouse gas emissions and was signed in 2016. The language of the agreement was negotiated by representatives of 196 States Parties at the 21st UNFCCC Conference of parties held at Le Bourget, near Paris, France, and agreed on 12 December 2015. [4] [5] Since February 2020, all 196 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement and 189 have left. [1] Of the seven countries that are not parties to the law, Iran and Turkey are the only major emitters. Here`s a look at what the Paris agreement does, how it works and why it is so crucial to our future. The Paris Agreement was launched at the signing on April 22, 2016 (Earth Day) at a ceremony in New York. [59] After the agreement was ratified by several EU member states in October 2016, there were enough countries that had ratified the agreement to produce enough greenhouse gases in the world for the agreement to enter into force. [60] The agreement came into force on